Friends of mine expressed interest. What could I say?
ExpertPenguin (1:46:26 AM): lol
ExpertPenguin (1:46:34 AM): you are all alone on that one
ExpertPenguin (1:46:40 AM): the adverts always work
ExpertPenguin (1:46:48 AM): amazing universe built around an average FPS
ExpertPenguin (1:47:08 AM): I can guarantee you that the commercials carry more emotional and narrative depth than that entire game
ExpertPenguin (1:47:30 AM): I don't want to [play it], it's Halo
ExpertPenguin (1:47:41 AM): and if Halo 2 was a slap in my face
ExpertPenguin (1:47:47 AM): 3 was every single nail in the coffin
ExpertPenguin (1:47:58 AM): and ODST is the dirt being put on the casket
ExpertPenguin (1:48:06 AM): I wish I didn't [Own Halo 3.]
ExpertPenguin (1:48:18 AM): that was another Bungie trainwreck
ExpertPenguin (1:48:30 AM): but that Believe campaign they had swirling around it was something else, wasn't it?
ExpertPenguin (1:48:55 AM): stop watching the commercials
ExpertPenguin (1:49:15 AM): I guarantee you if you watched every Halo 3 commercial, ANd the short movie, AND the mockumentaries
ExpertPenguin (1:49:21 AM): you'd want to play Halo 3
ExpertPenguin (1:49:36 AM): Because it's a compelling and rich universe
ExpertPenguin (1:49:45 AM): with some average games at the center of it
ExpertPenguin (1:50:01 AM): I saw ODST in action
ExpertPenguin (1:50:11 AM): it looks like halo 3 graphically
ExpertPenguin (1:50:43 AM): and has the same overall look to it
ExpertPenguin (1:51:34 AM): like it's strange
ExpertPenguin (1:52:00 AM): I am so turned off to Halo as a game by this point in time, it's insane
ExpertPenguin (1:52:19 AM): and I want to see the story somewhat, but I'd have to play the game, or watch the game being played to do so'
ExpertPenguin (1:52:30 AM): I don't know if I'm willing to make that sacrifice
ExpertPenguin (1:53:03 AM): barf
ExpertPenguin (1:53:11 AM): it looks like a Halo 3 mod
ExpertPenguin (1:53:22 AM): and Bungie STILL doesn't know how to simulate full scale war
ExpertPenguin (1:53:41 AM): all of their attempts at war setpieces look like multiplayer matches
ExpertPenguin (1:55:51 AM): people awkwardly bouncing and running around pristine locales, laden with random scorch mark textures
Yeah. I think I'm good on the 60 dollar 6 hour campaign packaged with the cesspool of the internet's favorite multiplayer console FPS.
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