Friends of mine expressed interest. What could I say?
ExpertPenguin (1:46:26 AM): lol
ExpertPenguin (1:46:34 AM): you are all alone on that one
ExpertPenguin (1:46:40 AM): the adverts always work
ExpertPenguin (1:46:48 AM): amazing universe built around an average FPS
ExpertPenguin (1:47:08 AM): I can guarantee you that the commercials carry more emotional and narrative depth than that entire game
ExpertPenguin (1:47:30 AM): I don't want to [play it], it's Halo
ExpertPenguin (1:47:41 AM): and if Halo 2 was a slap in my face
ExpertPenguin (1:47:47 AM): 3 was every single nail in the coffin
ExpertPenguin (1:47:58 AM): and ODST is the dirt being put on the casket
ExpertPenguin (1:48:06 AM): I wish I didn't [Own Halo 3.]
ExpertPenguin (1:48:18 AM): that was another Bungie trainwreck
ExpertPenguin (1:48:30 AM): but that Believe campaign they had swirling around it was something else, wasn't it?
ExpertPenguin (1:48:55 AM): stop watching the commercials
ExpertPenguin (1:49:15 AM): I guarantee you if you watched every Halo 3 commercial, ANd the short movie, AND the mockumentaries
ExpertPenguin (1:49:21 AM): you'd want to play Halo 3
ExpertPenguin (1:49:36 AM): Because it's a compelling and rich universe
ExpertPenguin (1:49:45 AM): with some average games at the center of it
ExpertPenguin (1:50:01 AM): I saw ODST in action
ExpertPenguin (1:50:11 AM): it looks like halo 3 graphically
ExpertPenguin (1:50:43 AM): and has the same overall look to it
ExpertPenguin (1:51:34 AM): like it's strange
ExpertPenguin (1:52:00 AM): I am so turned off to Halo as a game by this point in time, it's insane
ExpertPenguin (1:52:19 AM): and I want to see the story somewhat, but I'd have to play the game, or watch the game being played to do so'
ExpertPenguin (1:52:30 AM): I don't know if I'm willing to make that sacrifice
ExpertPenguin (1:53:03 AM): barf
ExpertPenguin (1:53:11 AM): it looks like a Halo 3 mod
ExpertPenguin (1:53:22 AM): and Bungie STILL doesn't know how to simulate full scale war
ExpertPenguin (1:53:41 AM): all of their attempts at war setpieces look like multiplayer matches
ExpertPenguin (1:55:51 AM): people awkwardly bouncing and running around pristine locales, laden with random scorch mark textures
Yeah. I think I'm good on the 60 dollar 6 hour campaign packaged with the cesspool of the internet's favorite multiplayer console FPS.
Somehow, game amateurs on this corner can only say "well said" and with good, good reason, for even those of my ilk can see the pool of piss Halo became.