Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Microsoft is dropping bombs...

Nuclear Bombs.

Atom fucking bombs.

Wasn't this supposed to be the year of the PS3?


Doesn't look like it much. Xbox 360 E3 Keynote. Jump. Now.

These were the highlights in my eyes.

Microsoft OBVIOUSLY has their sights on the Wii with this one, having already stabbed at cute, easy accessibility with their own take on Miis and a user friendly interface, taking it to the next level was clearly in their Previews, Rhythm Action, Stealsights. Admittedly...it looks cool as all hell:

Zombie Apocalypse, anyone? It returns, and I HATE to get all racial on you, but is that MORE THAN ONE BLACK PERSON IN THE LEAD ROLE? Uncanny!

While we're currently (or not) drooling over inFamous, there was a superhero game before it that embodied the same addictive spirit, the immensely satisfying feeling of acquiring and using powers for the greater good, and because it was a hell of a lot of fun to see things explode. You might remember, it came with a certain multiplayer beta that in my opinion, fell by the wayside by comparison..

It's getting a sequel.

I almost lost faith in you, Sam. After the terribly disappointing Double Agent, developed by the continuously unimpressive Ubisoft Shanghai, I didn't think we'd cross paths again. Luckily for me, Ubi Montreal is on the case...and wow. Let me just say all these delays were worth it. Impressive visual style, revamped gameplay...I didn't care about Splinter Cell: Conviction before tonight, and after you see this gameplay (NOT a trailer!) video, you'll see why:

Wait....this game is still coming out? Color me impressed..

Finally, summer wouldn't be complete without a plethora of Xbox Live offerings..though to be honest, I'm more excited for Epic's side scroller Shadow Complex and the FUCKING TURTLES IN TIME 3D UPDATE...

I do feel as if I've oversaturated you with videos, so honorable mentions go to Forza Motorsport 3, The Beatles Rock Band (triple vocal harmonies?!), and of course, the inimitable Modern Warfare 2...

Oh fuck it. This has to be seen.

Great job guys. I'm really looking forward to the end of this year. Smaller announcements?

Final Fantasy 13 is looking as nice as its PS3 counterpart, Last.fm partners up with Live for free, Pandora-esque music streaming, Netflix improves, Microsoft starts streaming 1080p movies and TV shows, Twitter and Facebook are coming to live this fall, and Metal Gear Solid: Rising, a new title starring Raiden is coming with the 360 being the lead development platform..

Sony...Nintendo..My posts about your keynotes better be NEARLY as epic as this.


  1. What did you think of project NATAL, it was hilarious how it pratically rendered Tony Hawk Ride useless right after he came out an announced it LOL

    I really liked what I saw of assassins creed 2 and of course convicition, I hope they let you wear one of those stealth suits for a couple missions, those were always one of my favorite parts of the game, I wonder about the multiplayer though.

  2. Yep... I bought a 360 after seeing that keynote.

    Now you know it had to be THAT serious.
